Parents Take Legal Action Against St Bakhita Schools Over Sudden Fee Hike Impacting Thousand

Parents Take Legal Action Against St Bakhita Schools Over Sudden Fee Hike Impacting Thousand

Parents' Legal Challenge to Sudden Fee Hike at St Bakhita Schools

In an unexpected turn of events, a significant number of parents associated with St Bakhita Schools have decided to take the educational institution to court. This legal dispute stems from an abrupt increase in fees that the school’s management has imposed, a move that parents claim was done without adequate consultation or agreement.

The Fee Hike Controversy

The root of the controversy lies in the school management’s decision to raise the school fees mid-academic year, a decision that has unsettled the parents of over 1,000 students. These parents argue that the increase has not only disrupted their financial planning but also threatens to interfere with their children's education. According to the parents, the school has a longstanding policy of increasing fees every two academic years, and based on this, they had a legitimate expectation that the next increment would only take effect from the first term of 2025.

On the other side, St Bakhita Schools defended its decision by pointing to rising operational costs. The school management, led by Director Felista Mutuku, stated that inflation and various overhead cost increases have made the fee hike necessary. However, this justification has done little to quell the concerns of parents who feel blindsided by the sudden financial burden. They argue that with the fee increase coming mid-year, they lack the negotiating power or time to prepare for such a change.

Parents’ Concerns and Legal Actions

The parents involved in the lawsuit have voiced their worries loudly and clearly. Many worry that the unexpected financial strain could jeopardize their children's ongoing education. They argue there's a risk of disrupting the students’ academic journeys and possibly forcing some to leave St Bakhita Schools. As part of their legal action, the parents have sued multiple entities under the St Bakhita umbrella, including St Bakhita Schools Limited, St Bakhita Daycare and Kindergarten Limited, St Bakhita Junior Secondary School Limited, and St Bakhita Holdings Limited.

Their primary request is for the court to issue an order prohibiting the implementation of the fee hike. This order aims to maintain the current fee levels until a more amicable resolution can be reached. Their lawyer has emphasized the historical precedent of fee increments every two academic years as a key point in their argument, underscoring the breach of legitimate expectations.

The School’s Perspective

Despite the strong opposition, the school's management has shown some willingness to compromise. Felista Mutuku has stated that the management is ready to discuss payment plans with any parent who is struggling with the new fee structure. This offer suggests some flexibility, although it does not address the more fundamental issue of the unexpected fee increase. Parents’ concerns remain concentrated on the lack of prior consultation and the timing of the increment.

Upcoming Court Decision

The case is now set to be heard by Justice Christine Meoli on May 27. This date is eagerly awaited by all parties involved, with parents hoping for a favorable ruling that would prevent the fee increase from taking immediate effect. The outcome of this case could set a precedent for how educational institutions handle fee adjustments in the future, balancing between necessary operational costs and the financial realities faced by parents.

In the meantime, parents, students, and the wider community remain anxious. The decision could impact not only the financial stability of many families but potentially the academic future of numerous students at St Bakhita Schools.